Ways to define CSS border-radius with 3 examples

How to define the border radius?

The CSS border-radius property sets the rounding of the borders of the specified element. The round may be circle or ellipse. You can set the border-radius in the single declaration by using: e.g.

border-radius: 15px;

>>See A border-radius example by single declaration

Or by using specific border side like top left, or top right, bottom left or bottom right separately: e.g.

border-top-left-radius: 10px;

border-top-right-radius: 20px;

The examples below shows both ways of using the border-radius i.e setting the radius of borders in one declaration and separately.

Setting circular border radius with short-hand

This example sets the border radius of all sides for a div element by single declaration using the border-radius CSS property.

CSS border radius

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Setting border radius for each corner in circle

This example sets the border radius of all sides separately by using the border-radius properties in the div element. Following border-radius properties are used:

  1. border-top-left-radius;
  2. border-top-right-radius;
  3. border-bottom-left-radius;
  4. border-bottom-right-radius;
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Setting ellipsis border radius with horizontal and vertical values example

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You can see, the value in CSS border radius is specified for vertical and horizontal values to make ellipsis border.

Further Reading: CSS border | CSS border color

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