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SQL Alter statement
The alter statement of SQL is used to Alter the existing table structure of the database.
- You can use alter statement to add new columns with column specifications.
- You can drop or delete existing columns by the Alter command.
- You can use the Alter query to modify existing column specifications. The specifications like data type, size etc.
- You can also add or drop constraints like the Primary key, not null etc by using the Alter command in SQL.
This tutorial will show you how to add, drop or modify columns in the existing table by using alter table SQL command.
Syntax of Alter statement
Following is the Alter command syntax to add, modify and delete columns in a table. The syntax is different for MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle and MS Access databases.
Alter table to add column syntax
The general syntax of SQL Alter table to add a column:
Alter table table_name
Add col_name datatype(size);
SQL Alter to modify column in MySQL
The general syntax of Alter to modify a column in MySQL database is
Alter table table_name
Modify Column col_name datatype|not null ;
i.e. after col_name the modification you want to make. See examples below how you can use it.
Alter query to modify column in SQL Server and MS Access
The general syntax of Alter to modify a column in SQL Server and MS Access database is:
Alter table table_name
Alter Column col_name datatype|not null ;
i.e. after the col_name the modification you want to make in that column are given. See the working example below.
Alter command to delete a table column syntax
The general syntax of Alter to delete a column:
Alter table table_name
Drop col_name datatype(size);
Examples of using alter query
Let us show you examples of how to use alter table SQL with our created database and table. We will use the same database, test_db and tbl_employee table, that we created in the Create table chapter, to show a few examples of Alter statement.
Just to remind this is how our example table is created in test_db:
Create table tbl_employee
(emp_id int,
emp_name varchar(100),
emp_age int,
emp_salary decimal(8,2),
PRIMARY KEY (emp_id)
Now, as we have a table tbl_employee with four columns (emp_id, emp_name, emp_age and emp_salary). Also, we insert data by using the insert statement.
Demo table before Alter statement
The alter command to add column example
In this example, we will add a new column joining_date to existing tbl_employee table. This is how the alter query to add column is:
Alter table tbl_employee
Add joining_date datetime
Demo Table after adding new column
As you can see, a new column is added in the table. As the table is retrieved by using the select statement, it is showing the joining_date column with the null values. One more thing to be noted is, the joining_date column cannot be created using the not null table constraint without Default definition, as table already contains a few rows.
Alter table to drop a column example
This example shows how to drop an existing column by using the alter table drop column query. For this example, we will drop the same column, joining_date that we just created in the above example.
The Alter with drop column query will be:
Alter table tbl_employee
drop column joining_date
Demo Table after drop column
You can see the graphic, table before and after running the Alter statement to drop a column.
Example of using Alter/Modify column in table
As we have seen in the syntax of Alter statement to modify columns that MySQL, Oracle and SQL server/ MS Access has different syntax. We will show you modify/alter the columns in both ways.
Alter statement to modify column in SQL Server/MS Access
Alter datatype of a column
In this example, we will alter the datatype of joining_date from the datetime to date. So it will be able to store the date values.
The alter query will be as follows:
Alter table tbl_employee
alter column joining_date date
Alter column to add Not Null constraint in column:
Alter Table tbl_employee alter column joining_date date NOT NULL;
Alter query to add Primary key in table column
Suppose our table has no primary key and we want to add primary key on the emp_id column. This is how our Alter query will be:
Alter table tbl_employee
Add CONSTRAINT my_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (emp_id);
Alter query to drop primary key constraint
Alter table tbl_employee
drop CONSTRAINT my_primary_key;
Alter column in MySQL / Oracle example
Alter datatype of a column
In this example, we will alter the datatype of joining_date from datetime to date. So it will be able to store date. Th query in the MySQL or Oracle database will be:
ALTER TABLE tbl_employee MODIFY COLUMN joining_date DATE
Alter column to add Not Null constraint in a column:
Alter Table tbl_employee MODIFY column joining_date date NOT NULL;
Alter query to add Primary key in table column
Suppose our table has no primary key and we want to add primary key on the emp_id column while working in the MySQL or Oracle database. This is how our SQL query will be:
Alter table tbl_employee
Add CONSTRAINT my_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (emp_id);
Alter query to drop primary key constraint
Alter table tbl_employee
Drop Primary Key;
Also see: SQL Update statement
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