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Python variables and data-types
Variables are the way to store values that are changeable. Variable has data types that define what kind of data to store in that variable. For example numbers, strings etc.
Similarly, Python supports different data types like Python int, float, string etc. to store different types of data. See detail in the following section.
Python has the following standard datatypes:
- Numbers (int, float etc.)
- String
- Dictionary
- Tuple
- List
Python Numeric data types
Python has three distinct numeric types:
- int (e.g. 1, 100, -100)
- float (1.234, -1.234)
- complex
Python Float and int variables example
The following example shows how to declare and use Python int and float variables. The values of int and float variables are then displayed by using the print function.
#numberic variable examples
inta = 10
intb = 20
intc = inta + intb
floatb = 10.20
print (“An integer number:”, inta)
print (“The Sum of two int variables = “, intc)
print (“A float number:”, floatb)
The output will be:
An integer number: 10
The Sum of two int variables = 30
A float number: 10.2
Python string
Strings are the sequence of characters. Strings are enclosed in single or double quotes in Python. Python will treat single or double quoted strings alike.
For example:
a = “Python”
strLesson = ‘This is Python strings lesson’
Triple quotes are also used to enclose strings in Python. This is used when strings are enclosed in multi-lines:
StrLesson = “””This
Python lesson”””
A whole chapter is dedicated to string data type, click here for the complete lesson.
Python dictionary data type
Python provides another data type dictionary which is just like the associative arrays in some other languages. Dictionary data types work with key – value pairs.
A key can be of any type of the object like a number, string or a list.
Values can be accessed using the keys rather than the index like in simple arrays.
dict = {key:value, key:value, …..}
For example
dict = {‘Mike’: 1233456,’John’: 567890}
For more, go to dictionary data type tutorial.
Python List data type
Among other compound data types available in Python, List data type is the most versatile.
- List items (values) can be written as comma separated values in square [] brackets.
list_name = [1,2,3]
- A List can store different types of values or items like numbers and strings.
e.g. Py_list = [1, 2, ‘Python’, ‘lists’ ]
- The list data type implements the sequence protocol and allows to add or remove items from the list.
A few examples of lists
list_number = [1,2,3,4,5]
list_strings = [‘this’, ‘is’, ‘list’, ‘lesson’]
list_mixed = [1, ‘this’, 2, ‘is’, 3, ‘list’, 4, ‘chapter’]
For more go to list data type tutorial.
Python Tuple data type
Tuples are the sequence just like the list, but this type is immutable. That means its values cannot be changed. Once created, the rest of the program it will stay the same.
Go to tuple tutorial for full detail.
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